Friday, January 21, 2011

Blogging and Twittering

     Blogging and twittering have skyrocketed communication techniques to new and exciting levels. The usage of blog and twitter pages have not only changed the landscape of the tech world, but these two dynamic entities have also changed the way we as humans share information and the way we interact with one another. For example, blogs are websites that allow anyone and everyone to share information that they deem important. This is a much different method than the past where only a handful of people decided what was newsworthy. According to Lee Lefever "blogs give everyone an opportunity to comment on news that is important to them." Lefever also ascertains that since 2003, 70 million blogs have been created. Blogs allow us to post our ideas and allow others to  read them, comment, and create discussions on topics of interests to us.
     Twittering is another phenomenon that has taken the tech world to another exciting level! When I examine the possibility of using twitter for educational purposes, it makes me ponder how in the world we ever taught without it and leads me to inquire "what will they think of next?" The possibility of sending out educational tweets to my already tech savvy students as opposed to subjecting them to rote memorization or bland pencil and paper assignments gives me a huge adrenaline rush! According to the 2009 Horizon report, twitter allows teachers to tap into the "teachable moment-moment where the student is curious about what they are learning." The report further suggests that other benefits of twitter include connecting with peers, teachers, and experts around the world and affords students the opportunity to learn in multiple ways. These can include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many communications. Using twitter to reach my students, colleagues, and experts without the limitation of time and physical space makes me tremendously grateful to be a part of this day and age.
     There will be several networks that I will be following. First, I will be following TheNextWeb because I am completely fascinated with the tech world and want to be the first to learn about the newest innovations and inventions. Also, I am very health conscious so I have decided to follow WomensHealhMag in order to obtain tips and suggestions on how to maintain my health and also the latest fashion tips (smile). Since my trip to New York, I am now fascinated with all things New York, so I have decided to follow NYPL, the New York Public Library and the New Yorker, a weekly magazine informing readers of events taking place in New York.
    For my first post, this was painless and quite fun! I cannot wait to post more! Thank you Dr. Lambert!


  1. Sharing information can benefit for the senders and receivers!

  2. Darla I agree that medium of communication has changed the way that people connect in such a profound way. People are able to connect on levels that elicit feedback and input from friends, collegues, students, professors etc. Instant input opens many avenues that allows dialogue and collaboration in unlimited ways. I have not yet tried blogging or twittering with my students or parents but I do have an online gradebook where grades can be accessed 24/7 and I have found that tool to be very beneficial. I am now considering posting assignments and discussions related to the content that I am teaching daily. I like the idea of embracing "teachable moments" and reaching out to my students. I have not yet decided which avenue to explore with my 6th graders, although, due to policy restrictions from the board.

  3. Darla, I love your idea that blogs allow us to post our ideas and allow others to read them, comment, and create discussions on topics of interests to us. Blogs provide us the chances to "Talk" with others around the world.
